OpenShift vs Kubernetes | what are the differences? Expert views

Server less computing technology is now at its zenith, leading to a surge of demand in the container technology. There are many management platforms such as OpenShift and Kubernetes are a well-known answer to these demands. They consist of a robust and scalable modern, vision proofed architecture, which often leads to confusion on which one of the two to choose.

OpenShift vs Kubernetes
OpenShift and Kubernetes are latest and popular container orchestration platforms. Both of them have similar capabilities and engineering which can seldom lead to confusion since Kubernetes online training is specifically an integral part and element of OpenShift. 

With the help of this article, we will try to cull out some crucial differences between OpenShift and Kubernetes in terms of integration, product type, bases etc. 
Before indulging into the key differences, it is important to know the basic concepts around Kubernetes and OpenShift. 

What is Kubernetes?

It is an opensource “Container as a service platform”. It automates deploying, scaling and manages containerized applications in order to speed up the development procedure. This product owes its origin of google but was later handed to Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Kubernetes is deployed as a service providing platform and many vendors provide different versions of distribution of Kubernetes. According to my way Kubernetes Certification Online Training is very useful for your career. 

What is OpenShift?

Just like Kubernetes, OpenShift is also a containerization solution application with the possession of an Apache license. It is an original product and performs as “Platform-as-a-service (PaaS). This product is managed by Kubernetes also. This program is written with juxtaposition of Angular JS and GO languages. The primary function of this software allows the developers to develop and deploy application directly on a cloud. OpenShift appends tools over the Kubernetes core for quickening the process. 

OpenShift has its own set of products namely OpenShift Dedicated, OpenShift Container Platform, Red Hat OpenShift Online training India and also OpenShift Origin. 

Now that you know the basics of both the software, let us examine the critical differences between the two products, from the viewpoint of experts. 

Nature of the Product Kubernetes is a form of open source project, whereas OpenShift is a commercial idea. Subscription of OpenShift includes cloudforms, and it has the main task of organizing virtual, private or public infrastructure. Kubernetes, on the other hand, offers a self-sustainable model. Users of Kubernetes reach out to experts and community for problematic situations.  


OpenShift is installed on the Red Hat Enterprise Linus (RHEL) or the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host. It runs on Fedora or CentOS. On the other hand, Kubernetes is more flexible. RPM is usually the preferred manager for Kubernetes. It can also be run on Fedora, Ubuntu, Azure or GCP. 


OpenShift comes along with an easily accessible login page. It offers an ability to create or change resources by a form, for the users. users of #OpenShift can therefore cluster roles, visualise servers or projects with the help of web. 

When it comes to Kubernetes, dashboard requires a differentiated installation. It can be accessed only by Kube Proxy for the purpose of forwarding a port of user’s local equipment to the admin’s server. 

Kubernetes does not have a login page like OpenShift and users have to create a token of bearer for authentication and authorization. This makes using Web UI more complicated for daily usage. 


Neither of the two platform provide for a full solution of CI/CD. Both of them have to be integrated with aid of additional tools like monitoring and automated testing for building a holistic CI/CD Pipeline. This work however is performed with better virility in OpenShift since it offers a Jenkins container which can be used for the CI server. A plain integrated solution like this is not offered by #Kubernetes.

4.Integrated Image Registry

OpenShift offers an integrated image registry which can be used with Docker Hub or red Hat. Kubernetes does not offer an integrated image registry but enables the user to set up their own Docker Registry. 

5.Key Cloud Platform availability

Kubernetes is available on EKS for amazon, GKE for Google GCP. OpenShift has products such as OpenShift dedicated, OpenShift Online or Azure. 
These are some of the key differences, as observed from the experts, between OpenShift and Kubernetes, for a better and holistic insight to the products. 
